Many artists will tell you that they have drawn and painted their whole life. I am no different than they. In elementary school I was chosen to help the teacher do the bulletin boards. In high school art was one of three majors. I was fortunate to have an excellent art teacher for all four years of high school. When I entered college at the University of Buffalo I chose to major in Chemistry, another of my passions. When I graduated I worked as a lab technician in research labs at Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Institute in Buffalo. All during this time I tried to keep up with my art and even sold a few pictures to finance my education expenses.

I It was at that time that I switched from oil painting to watercolors because of the safety factor for my children. After the children were all in school I earned my teaching credential in K-8 and physical science. We moved to California for my husband’s job in 1977. My art work was stiff; but it was a new beginning. Traveling is great for inspiration and the Cotswolds is a beautiful area of Britain. In the summer of 2004 I traveled to Taos, New Mexico to attend a workshop with Jerry Brommer. I continue to paint at the Senior Center in town as well as at home. I know my work is improving and have won a couple of awards at our Santa Clarita Artists’ Association’s Art Classic. Above is one of my paintings called “Sonora Church”.