Family With family close at heart, Kristianna Falliaux is a wife, and mother of three boys. Her husband and self also have an extended family as she is the President of A New Reflection, Inc. A non-profit assisting in the welfare of those in need. To find out more about this organization, please visit: Author With a three book series and more in the making, Kristianna's career rocketed as she chose to pursue what in turn was pursuing her. The Lord. As a little girl, Kristianna wrote an entire book in one weekend in 5th grade. As a minor, it couldn't be published, as a daughter, she knew she had a talent, and upon grace was brought back to that talent she was blessed and born with. Artist The entire family heritage has a form of artistically brilliant talent. From fashion design, music, media, opera, dance, the bloodline of her family and inspiration of her heart brought forth masterpieces for all to see and even own. To find out more information visit: