Above:The Art Classic Committee
President’s Message
November 2024
Dear Santa Clarita Artists,
Congratulations to all the artists who entered the Art Classic this year! The display was amazing with some stiff competition. Special recognition goes to the artists who were presented awards this year. Congratulations! Now is the time to start preparing for next year’s event and get your best work ready for 2025!
Many volunteers worked on this year’s Art Classic. You all did a spectacular job. Special thanks to Cathy King who took on the job of organizing this year’s event. The people who helped set up the panels, worked the welcome tables, the judges, the presenters, the silent auction crew, the food committee, the publicity people and the musicians all did an amazing job. The payoff was a fine event, and we all got to know one another a little better.
To members who want to get to know more artists, I suggest volunteering. To those who have volunteered, find another area to help in SCAA, you are amazing. This is how we keep our organization current and vital. Our organization can pass on SCAA knowledge from prior experience. When you add your ideas and thought to what we have done in the past then SCAA continues to grow.
We do not have a Newsletter Chair currently. Interested? Let us know and we can help you get started.
Thank you for all you bring to SCAA!
Meressa Naftulin
November 2024
Dear Santa Clarita Artists,
Congratulations to all the artists who entered the Art Classic this year! The display was amazing with some stiff competition. Special recognition goes to the artists who were presented awards this year. Congratulations! Now is the time to start preparing for next year’s event and get your best work ready for 2025!
Many volunteers worked on this year’s Art Classic. You all did a spectacular job. Special thanks to Cathy King who took on the job of organizing this year’s event. The people who helped set up the panels, worked the welcome tables, the judges, the presenters, the silent auction crew, the food committee, the publicity people and the musicians all did an amazing job. The payoff was a fine event, and we all got to know one another a little better.
To members who want to get to know more artists, I suggest volunteering. To those who have volunteered, find another area to help in SCAA, you are amazing. This is how we keep our organization current and vital. Our organization can pass on SCAA knowledge from prior experience. When you add your ideas and thought to what we have done in the past then SCAA continues to grow.
We do not have a Newsletter Chair currently. Interested? Let us know and we can help you get started.
Thank you for all you bring to SCAA!
Meressa Naftulin